Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Herpes zoster and postherpetic Neuralgia

Herpes zoster and post herpetic Neuralgia


A 63-year-old woman presented in our OPD with persistent pain and itching in the right T10 dermatome from just above the thoracolumbar junction to the umbilicus. She gives history of episode of herpes zoster in the same region one year earlier. She describes a severe, continuous, burning pain lasting a few seconds, and intense hypersensitivity to tactile stimulation.
On physical examination there are signs of cutaneous scarring throughout the right T10 dermatome, with areas of excoriation caused by scratching.
       Post herpetic neuralgia (PHN) is the most frequent chronic complication of herpes zoster.
Herpes zoster (HZ), commonly called shingles, is a distinctive syndrome caused by reactivation of varicella zoster virus (VZV) in the dorsal root ganglion of sensory nerves. This reactivation occurs when immunity to VZV declines because of aging or immunosuppression..
Historical Perspective:
VZV is estimated to have been around for more than 70 million years. It was initially named by Hippocrates; Herpein, meaning to creep; zoster  meaning girdle (Greek).  Shingles meaning belt, (Latin). Not until 1940 was the etiology of the virus established. VZV was finally isolated in 1952 by a Harvard Microbiologist. The genome was first sequenced in 1986.
Varicella zoster virus (VZV) has a high level of infectivity and has a worldwide prevalence.
Incidence:  5-10 cases per 1000 persons. It is highest among individuals in the sixth decade of life and beyond.
Following primary infection of the virus (Varicella -chicken pox), it lies dormant until reactivated in later life.
Varicella (Chickenpox) Virus PHIL 1878 lores.jpgVaricella virus
Reactivation can occur in the presence of stress, surgery, or injury. Following reactivation the virus travels at a possible rate of 1.7-10mm per hour. Cutaneous vesicles develop in 48-96 hours. Hemorrhagic inflammation is characterized at the cellular level. Fibrosis is noted at the dorsal root ganglion, nerve root and peripheral nerve upon resolution of the acute stage.
Postherpetic neuralgia is the nerve damage caused by herpes zoster. The damage causes nerves in the affected dermatomic area of the skin to send abnormal electrical signals to the brain. These signals may convey excruciating pain, and may persist or recur for months, years, or for life.
Neuropathic pain is due to altered gene expression in sensory dorsal root ganglia neurons. Following nerve damage, NaCl channel accumulation causes hyperexcitability, and down regulation sensory neuron specific, SNS1 channel and upregulation of brain type III and TRPV1 channels. These changes contribute to increased NMDA glutamate receptor-dependent excitability of spinal dorsal horn neurons and are restricted to the ipsilateral (injured) side. A combination of these factors could contribute to the neuropathic pain state of postherpetic neuralgia.
Clinical manifestations:
Prodromal symptoms may include chills, fever, malaise, G.I. disturbance and paraesthesia or neuralgia along the affected dermatome.
 Red papules usually appear along the affected dermatome within 3 days. The eruption of vesicles closely follows the maculopapular rash. Vesicles usually dry up in an average of 7 days and scarring occurs at the site.

Distribution: 50-60% Thoracic, 10-20%Trigeminal, 10-20%Cervical, 5-10% Lumbar, and <5% Sacral. 99% of all cases are unilateral and do not cross the midline unless there is greater than one dermatome affected or dissemination has occurred.
Sensory disturbances face

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis:
If the rash has appeared, identifying this disease requires only a visual examination, since very few diseases produce unilateral vesicular lesion in a dermatomal pattern.
 Herpes simplex virus (HSV) can occasionally produce a rash in such a pattern (zosteriform herpes simplex). The Tzanck smear is helpful for diagnosing acute infection with a herpes virus, but does not distinguish between HSV and VZV.
Coxsackie virus infection also produce disseminated vesiculopapular lesion. Supportive diagnostic virology and fluorescent staining of skin scrapings with monoclonal antibodies ensure proper diagnosis.
Laboratory tests;
 The most popular test detects VZV-specific IgM antibody in blood; this appears only during chickenpox or shingles and not while the virus is dormant.   Lymph collected from a blister is tested by polymerase chain reaction for VZV DNA, or examined with an electron microscope for virus particles. Viral culture and quantitative PCR are done with samples of lesions on the skin, eyes, and lung.
To assess host response immunofluorescent detection of antibodies to VZV membrane antigens, fluorescent antibody to membrane antigen (FAMA) test and ELISA appears to be most sensitive.
Secondary bacterial infection of the skin
Post herpetic neuralgia is a condition of chronic pain following shingles. The neuralgia typically begins when the herpes zoster vesicles have crusted over and begun to heal.
Nervous system involvement cause many cranial neuropathies, polyneuritis, myelitis, or aseptic meningitis, partial facial paralysis (usually temporary), ear damage, or encephalitis.
Trigeminal nerve involvement in herpes ophthalmicus should be treated early and aggressively as it may lead to blindness. Involvement of the tip of the nose in the zoster rash is a strong predictor of herpes ophthalmicus.
Herpes of the geniculate ganglion presents with facial nerve palsy causing Ramsay- Hunt syndrome
 During pregnancy, first infections with VZV, causing chickenpox, may lead to infection of the fetus and complications in the newborn, but chronic infection or reactivation in shingles are not associated with fetal infection.
There is a slightly increased risk of developing cancer after a shingles infection.
The aims of treatment are to limit the severity and duration of pain,
 shorten the duration of a shingles episode, and reduce complications. Symptomatic treatment is often needed for the complication of post herpetic neuralgia.


Antiviral drugs may reduce the severity and duration of shingles; however, they do not prevent postherpetic neuralgia.
 Of these drugs, acyclovir has been the standard treatment, but drugs  valaciclovir  and famciclovir demonstrate similar or superior efficacy and good safety and tolerability.
 The drugs are used both for prevention and as therapy during the acute phase. Complications in immunocompromised individuals with shingles may be reduced with intravenous acyclovir. In people who are at a high risk for repeated attacks of shingles, five daily oral doses of acyclovir are usually effective. 


People with mild to moderate pain can be treated with analgesics.
Locally applied topical agents
Aspirin mixed into an appropriate solvent such as diethyl ether may reduce pain.
 Lidocaine skin patches
Once the lesions have crusted over, capsaicin cream (Zostrix) can be used.
 Calamine lotions can be used on the rash or blisters.
Paracetamol or the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids  including higher dosages of codeine, tramadol, morphine  or fentanyl  are beneficial for pain relief.
Pain modification therapy:
 Low dosages of tricyclic antidepressants, including amitriptyline, are used for the deep aching pain. They do not eliminate the pain, but they may make it easier to tolerate.
Other antidepressants- venlafaxine, bupropion and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors also used in postherpetic neuralgia .
 These agents are used to manage severe muscle spasms and provide sedation in neuralgia.  Phenytoin and carbamazepine can lessen the pain associated with postherpetic neuralgia. The medications stabilize abnormal electrical activity in the nervous system caused by injured nerves
Gabapentin  and lamotrigine, are generally tolerated better and can help control burning and pain in PHN.


Corticosteroids have been recommended to help with acute pain but do not appear to decrease the risk of long term pain.

Non-pharmacological treatments for post herpetic neuralgia:
Moxibustion:  A traditional Chinese medicine therapy using moxa.
Relaxation techniques. These can include breathing exercises, visualization and distraction.
Heat therapy.
Cold therapy   Cold packs can be used.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. This involves the stimulation of peripheral nerve endings by the delivery of electrical energy through the surface of the skin.
Spinal cord stimulator. The electrical stimulation of the posterior spinal cord works by activating supraspinal and spinal inhibitory pain mechanisms.
A  live attenuated varicella vaccine (Oka) is recommended for all children >1 year of age (up to 12 years of age) who have not had chickenpox and for adults known to be seronegative for VZV.
A second approach is to administer varicella-zoster immune globulin (VZIG) to individuals who are susceptible, are at high risk for developing complications of varicella, and have had a significant exposure
Lastly, antiviral therapy can be given as prophylaxis to individuals at high risk who are ineligible for vaccine or who are beyond the 96-h window after direct contact.

The rash and pain usually subside within three to five weeks.
One in five people develop post herpetic neuralgia, which is often difficult to manage.
In some people, shingles can reactivate presenting as zoster sine herpete: pain radiating along the path of a single spinal nerve, but without an accompanying rash.
1.    Longo, Fauci, Kasper et al ; Harrison’s  principles of internal medicine 18th edition 180:1462,2012.

2.    Kantaria SM.Bilateral  asymmetrical herpes zoster, Indian Dermatology online j2015;6:236.

3.    Am Fam Physician. 2000 Apr 15;61(8):2437-2444

 (copy of article published in JIMOA vol111 issue 1 sep 2015)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

World Heart Day

                                                                 World Heart Day !!!

World Heart Day takes place on 29 September every year with the intent of raising awareness about cardiovascular disease.
Every year it has a different theme which tackles different aspects of heart disease.
This year, the theme on World Heart Day is creating heart-healthy environments. By ensuring that everyone has the chance to make healthy heart choices wherever they live, work and play.
The growth of heart diseases is dependent on a number of interlinked factors such as ageing, changing lifestyles, bad eating habits and rapidly evolving socio-economic determinants like access to healthcare.
Growth of heart diseases affects not just the urban and economically well-off but also the under-privileged.
Heart disease is now the world's leading causes of death, claiming 17.3 million lives each year.
On World Heart Day, say yes to good eating habits, exercise and get adequate sleep.

                                                   I Love my Heart: Let it beat !!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

ഹജ് പെരുന്നാൾ

       നാളെ ഹജ് പെരുന്നാൾ !!!  

മനുഷ്യര്‍ക്കും മാനുഷിക മൂല്യങ്ങള്‍ക്കും, വില കൊടുക്കുന്ന
ത്യാഗത്തിന്റെയും സ്നേഹ ത്തിന്റെയും ബലിയുടെയും കഥ
പറയുന്ന ബലിപെരുന്നാൾ.
നിനക്കെന്തു പെരുന്നാൾ? ഒരു മുസ്ലിം വർത്തിക്കേണ്ട എന്തെങ്കിലും
പ്രവർത്തി നീ പ്രാവർത്തി്കമാക്കുന്നുണ്ടോ .... ഇത് ഒരു പൊതു ചോദ്യം....
തല മറയ്ക്കുന്നതിലോ ഫർധ ഇടുന്നതിലോ അല്ല കാര്യം എന്ന്
ആരോട് പറയാനാണ്. സ്നേഹിക്കാനും, ക്ഷമിക്കാനും
സഹായിക്കാനും ഉള്ള മനസ്സാണ് പ്രധാനം എന്ന് എങ്ങനെ
മനസ്സിലാക്കിക്കും?. അത് ആർക്കും മനസ്സിലാകില്ല. വേഷ വിധാനം
മഹത്തരം എന്നാണ് ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ നിലപാട്. അത്
അനുകരിക്കാത്തവർ പെരുവഴിയിൽ..
പൂരിപഷം പറയുന്നതെന്തോ അത് പിന്തുടരുക ..അതാണ്‌
തർക്കിക്കാൻ പോകുന്നതിനെക്കാൾ നല്ലത്. നമ്മുടെ മനസ്സമാധാനം
നിലനിർത്തുകയും ചെയ്യും . ...
എല്ലാവർക്കും എന്റെ ഈദാശംസകൾ!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Head Transplant!!

First Head Transplant Patient Schedules Surgery for 2017!!!!
Donor body will be attached to recipient's head through spinal cord
A man set to become the world’s first head transplant patient, has scheduled
the procedure for December 2017.
Valery Spiridonov, a 30-year-old computer scientist,volunteered for the
procedure despite the risks involved. He was diagnosed with
a genetic muscle-wasting condition called Werdnig-Hoffmann disease,.
also referred to as type 1 spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). The condition is
caused by the loss of motor neurons in the spinal cord and the brain region
connected to the spinal cord. Individuals with the disease are unable to walk
and are often unable to sit unaided.
His words "I can hardly control my body now," he said. "I need help every
day, every minute. I am now 30 years old, although people rarely live to
more than 20 with this disease.
Spiridonov was diagnosed with Werdnig-Hoffman disease at the age of 1
and he wants the chance of a new body before he dies.
The procedure - which is estimated to take 100 surgeons around 36 hours to
complete - will involve spinal cord fusion (SCF). The head from a donor body
will be removed using an "ultra-sharp blade" in order to limit the amount of
damage the spinal cord sustains.
It will require Spiridonov’s head be cooled as well as the donor’s body to
extend the period during which the cells can survive without oxygen..Image result for spiridonov head transplantImage result for spiridonov head transplant

Animal testing: In 1970 Dr Robert White transplanted the head of one monkey onto the body of another, as shown in this diagram. If Spiridonov's head were to be successfully transplanted his jugular vein and spinal cords would have to be similarly fused with those of his new donor body

Friday, September 18, 2015

Iris ....Unique

Eyes ... windows to your soul or window to the universe !!!!
Eye contact is the most communicative non-verbal cue we have— it
conveys more about our thoughts and feelings than our words.
The iris is the most unique feature visible on the human body.
No two irises are the same - even identical twins have different
iris patterns. Everyone has a different structure of lines, dots and colours
within the iris of their eye. Some people may have similar eye colour
to each other, but the lines and dots on the iris are as unique as a
The abundance of detail in the iris, its variability and lack of genetic
dependence, and its accessibility for imaging without physical
contact all make the iris an excellent personal identifier.
Research has found that patterns in the iris can give an indication
of whether we are warm and trusting or neurotic and impulsive.
The scientists at Orebro University in Sweden compared the
eyes of 428 subjects with their personality traits to see if
these structures in the iris reflected their characters.They focused on
patterns in crypts - threads which radiate from the pupil and contraction
furrows lines curving around the outer edge- which
are formed when the pupils dilate.
They said that eye structure and personality could be linked
because the gene sequences responsible for developing the structure
of the iris also contribute to the development of the frontal lobe
of our brain, which is the motherboard of our personality. -
These findings support the notion that people with different iris
configurations tend to develop along different trajectories in regards to
The scientists also mentioned something very interesting about a gene
called PAX6, which serves as a regulator in the coordination and pattern
formation required for differentiation and proliferation to successfully take
place, ensuring that the processes of neurogenesis and
oculogenesis are carried out successfully. As a transcription factor,
Pax6 acts at the molecular level in the signaling and formation
of the central nervous system.
Mutation of the gene results in poor social skills, impulsiveness, and poor
communication skills.
So eyes are literally the windows to the inner most aspects of our personality
and character traits.

ഒരു തിരനോട്ടം !!!



കാലം    പോയതറിയാതെ;

കോലം    മാറിയതറിയാതെ,

ഇന്നും ഞാൻ വർത്തിക്കുന്നു

ഇരുപതിന്റെത്  എന്നപോൽ!

പ്രഭാതം മുതൽ പ്രദോഷം വരെ

പറഞ്ഞും       പറയാതെയും;

അറിഞ്ഞും    അറിയാതെയും;

കൊണ്ടും    കൊടുക്കാതെയും ;

കാലങ്ങൾ കടന്നു പോകവേ;

ഇന്ന് ഞാൻ   ആരായുന്നു

എന്ത് നേടി ഞാൻ ഇതുവരെ?

എന്തേ ഞാൻ ഇങ്ങനെ ആയി?

എൻ കർമതിൻ ഫലമെന്നോ

എൻ വാക്കിൻ അതിക്രമമെന്നൊ

പലവിധം പറയുന്നു മാലോകർ;

ഇനി എന്ത് ചെയ്‌വൂ    ഞാൻ

സഹയാത്രികർക്ക് ശാന്തിയേകാൻ

എൻ ജീവിതം ധന്യ മാക്കാൻ !!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Why does the eye twitch?

   "Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes,that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts".

According to Chinese sayings, left eye twitching is associated with the
impending arrival of some good fortune or good news. This is opposed to
the belief of approaching misfortune on the twitching of the right eye.

Why does the eye twitch?

Eye twitches are nature's way of warning a person about some impending
Eye twitching (blepharospasm) is a repetitive, uncontrollable blinking or
spasm of the eyelid, usually affects the eye muscles of both eyes.
Most people develop a minor eyelid twitch at some point in their lives.
Usually it is associated with:
Fatigue, Stress or Caffeine intake.
This minor form of twitch is painless and harmless. It usually goes away on
its own. But it can be quite annoying if the spasms are strong enough to
cause the eyelids to completely shut and then reopen.
Symptoms can recur for days, weeks, or even months. That can cause a lot
of emotional distress.
It can cause persistent winking and squinting. If it progresses to the point
where you have difficulty keeping your eyes open, it can cause severe vision
Sometimes, eye twitching can be a sign of eye conditions such as:
Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), Dry eyes,
Light sensitivity,or Pink eye.
Very rarely, it can be a sign of a brain or nerve disorder, such as:
Bell's palsy, Dystonia, Parkinson's disease
Eye twitching can also be a side effect of certain medications. The most
common offenders include drugs used in the treatment of psychosis and
Diagnosis of Eye Twitching:

Twitching that persists for more than one week
Twitching that completely closes an eyelid
Spasms that involve other facial muscles
Redness, swelling, or discharge from an eye
A drooping upper eyelid.

Treatment of Eye Twitching:

In most cases, minor eyelid twitch will disappear with rest or eliminate
intake of alcohol, tobacco, or caffeine.
If you have dry eyes causing irritation of the cornea or conjunctiva, treating it
with artificial tears will often relieve minor eyelid twitch.
The most commonly recommended treatment for benign essential
blepharospasm is botulinum toxin (also known as Botox or Xeomin).
Drugs like Clonazepam, Lorazepam, Trihexyphenidyl
Nutrition therapy

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Strong Mind

                                 We live in turbulent times. If you and I are to overcome the obstacles in our way, we’re going to need a strong mind.

When your brain is in "focus" mode, it uses what is called the task-positive network. This is a series of brain regions that work together to make sure you can accomplish those tasks that require intense concentration. Its opposite is something called the default mode network. It's activated whenever you aren't trying to focus on anything in the external world. It's your brains "default" and it reverts back here ALL the time - even when you are trying to focus.
A strong mind is persistent, determined and decisive........
No matter the circumstances around us, we will need to rely upon the mental toughness we normally look for in our heroes, not in ourselves.We admire heroes like Robin Hood and James Bond because they embody the characteristics that we’ve valued throughout the ages. Heroes let us feel what it’s like to have the mental toughness to break out of our boring little existence and enter into a much bigger world—one that is full of possibility.
A  strong mind  have  a great capacity to face challenges. Being strong means having the resources, the mental skills, and the physical capabilities to confront difficulties of all kinds. When a person is strong-minded, they have the energy and stamina to face a challenge without being robbed of inner strength.
Mental toughness gives us the courage to grow from the stress we experience in life. It is a mindset comprised of several qualities and attitudes. They need confidence, courage, commitment, control of themselves. A strong mind shuts out feelings of fear and inadequacy and focuses on reaching the goal.   The tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching your goals, but not making an attempt.
Toughness is in the spirit and soul and not in your muscles.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015



 means mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness of sensations,thoughts and emotions on the present moment.

mindfulness meditation alter alpha rhythms in the brain. These detectable rhythms help regulate “how the brain processes and filters sensations,” like pain and bad memories.

This explain the effects of mindfulness on physical symptoms and further shows strong connections between mind and body.

Mindfulness Meditation as a Buddhist Practice--- has three overarching purposes: knowing the mind; training the mind; and freeing the mind.

This form of meditation is used not only in meditation sessions, but also in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and behavior therapy for those suffering from recurrent depression.